  • Sunset in the Pier 碼頭日落 Five Wise Owls 五隻聰明貓頭
  • Sunset in the Pier 碼頭日落 Tulipa Group II 鬱金香II
  • Sunset in the Pier 碼頭日落 Pine Ridge-青松嶺
  • Sunset in the Pier 碼頭日落 Tulipa Group I 鬱金香I
  • Sunset in the Pier 碼頭日落 Link to the Past 過去
  • Sunset in the Pier 碼頭日落 Green Meadows 綠色草地
  • Sunset in the Pier 碼頭日落 Red Lands 紅土地
  • Sunset in the Pier 碼頭日落 Profile in Red 紅色
  • Sunset in the Pier 碼頭日落 Ombre 陰影
  • Sunset in the Pier 碼頭日落 Il Cortile Bianco II 白

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